Hot Buffet

Join us and experience the wonders of our Hot Buffet. Embark on a culinary journey like no other to be shared with friends and family. 

Sit back and relax while our chefs craft a buffet feast which will leave you mesmerised. 


Choose two options from the following fantastic feasts:

  • Cajun Chicken Pasta
  • Chicken Tikka Masala
  • Chilli Con Carne
  • Red Thai Curry
  • Chicken Curry
  • Mac n Cheese
  • Stovies
  • Lasagne

Or let us know your favourite and we can make it for you!

Each dish is served with bread, garlic bread or rice and includes a selection of sandwiches & wraps.


All options are customisable. Please contact us to discuss any dietary requirements or preferences.

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